Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Ergs!- Acoustic LP

Some more Ergs! comin' at ya. This album has acoustic versions of some of the Ergs! classics ("A Very Special Song For A.." "Saturday Night Crap-O-Rama"). In addition it has as few covers. Although I prefer the regular versions of these tracks, the acoustics are good none the less. This is definitely a must have for any Ergs fan.

Track Listing:
1. A Very Special Song For A Very Special Young Lady Part 2
2. Warm + Sharp
3. Time With You
4. Saturday Night Crap-O-Rama
5. Ergs Songs Played Similarly
6. It's Never Going To Be The Same Again
7. Trains & Boats & Planes
8. Running, Jumping, Standing Still
9. I'll Call You When You Think Of Me
10. Everything Falls Apart & More
11. Computer Love
12. Ramones Medley